Pujya Gurudev gave up his body 3 days before the conference.Swami Mitrananda wrapped up the days proceedings with a succinct vote of thanks to those who made this special event a possibility. He said that he had looked forward to Gurudevs presence at the 100 year celebration of Swami Vivekanandas speech at the World Parliament of Religions. He applauded Gurudevs vision in raising an ever expanding group of sanyasis involved in character building.On a personal note Modiji recalled his meeting with Pujya Gurudev at Baroda. The Prime Minister said that Gurudev truly lived the spirit of the Bhagavad Gita by combining in himself the qualities of gyana yoga and karma yoga. The educated elite who at that time were largely disconnected from our culture were reconnected with their spiritual heritage. He said that one of Gurudevs greatest achievement was disseminating the knowledge of the scriptures via the medium of English. He assured the assembled Shri Modi and the august guests that the Mission would continue in their endeavours and do their best in the field of national character building.The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi poured rich accolades on the persona of Pujya Gurudev. Prasanna chanted the invocation written by Pujya Guruji in praise of the Guru.Pujya Guruji, Swami Tejomayananda expressed his heartfelt thanks to the Prime Minister and the Government of India for recognizing the monumental and immense work of Gurudev and the Chinmaya Mission. The Chinmaya Birth Centenary Celebrations got off to a magnificent start.Invoking the Lords presence and grace set the tone for this simple yet poignant ceremony. Thanks to the organizers and dancers for a great night!Ĭhinmaya Birth Centenary CelebrationTo honour Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda's birth centerary - the release of a commemorative coin by the Honourable Prime Minister Narenda ModiThe nation led by the Honourable Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi paid tribute to Pujya Gurudev, Swami Chinmayananda with the release of a commemorative coin on 8th May 2015 at his residence, 7 Race Course Road, in Delhi. She wants to be in union with him and this dance really stood out. The performance started with aĪfterwards, there were five more beautiful dances, including one called nging to Krishna.
Hanuman bhajan chinmaya mission movie#
The first part of the evening was a short movie aboutool students at Chinmaya Mission Twin Cities. The dancers wore colorful costumes and gold templeaces, bangles and anklets. Instead of having a Diwali Mela, we watched a Bharatnatyam. May Lord Ganapati and Pujya Gurudev bless our graduating children with the noble resolve to graduate from life and gain infinite happiness.īBaallvviihhaarr SSttuuddeennttss aanndd TTeeaacchheerrss SShhaarree tthheeiirr TThhoouugghhttss, IIddeeaass & CCrreeaattiivviittyyįerent than past years. Lord Sri Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita that, the Lord HIMSELF will lift those who do this, from this ocean of change and finitude. Path to graduation from life now becomes clear: Every interaction in life must create remembrance and love for God. Thus to graduate form life means to reach that Lord. Next question that comes to mind is that, where is this infinite happiness? Scriptures declare and sages and saints confirm that the Infinite Lord who is the creator and sustainer of this world alone is the source of all happiness. Thus an interaction in life would be considered constructive only if it takes us toward this goal. Since the goal of every interaction in life is to gain happiness, to graduate from life would imply gaining infinite happiness. In this process our attempt is to maximize happiness. Life can be defined as continuous perception and response. So what does it mean to graduate from life? Surely it does not mean simply dying, as that requires no special effort and is bound to happen regardless. But the purpose of any school is always to learn the lessons and graduate successfully. The difference is that often in this school tests comes first and lessons are learnt later. In other words they have outgrown high school by showing competence in the prescribed course work. They have learnt the lessons and passed the required tests. They are now ready to continue their growth at college. It is a joyous occasion and shows the achievement of having fulfilled the requirements of high school. Samskrit workshop with Swami RamakrishnandaĬongratulations to our graduating children. Hari OM!Chinmaya Prabhat sevikas and sevaks.